
Posts Tagged ‘Forgiveness’

Nearly every day I check the “back pages” of my blogs, to see what search terms have been used for access and which entries are the most frequently read.  On Grace with Salt, I’m continually amazed.  The topics which get the bulk of visitors are things to do with toxic relationships—whether among family members, friends, or acquaintances.   Entries I wrote over two years ago are still widely read.  This touches my heart, as I realize that many people suffer and wonder how to manage when relationships go askew.

Whatever I have written in the past, on the subject of toxic acquaintances—Christian or otherwise—may be underscored and highlighted in RED, signifying the precious BLOOD of Jesus Christ.  This blood, shed for any and all who will believe, is the answer to every dilemma known to mankind.  To appropriate Christ’s shed blood to my life (along with immersing myself in God’s Word) is to guarantee peace of mind in the midst of anything that may happen to me. 

Through the shed blood, I am forgiven.  Through God’s indwelling Holy Spirit, I have the power to forgive, and I must forgive—even if I don’t “feel” forgiving!  I need to pray, “Lord, make me willing to be willing to forgive”. 

Through prayer and reading God’s Word I can obtain the wisdom to deal with whatever and whomever life may bring my way.  Toxic relationships threaten to destroy our peace of mind, but we need not let that happen.  If I’m guilty of undermining a relationship, I am to seek forgiveness—from God and from the person I have offended.  Having done this, I can go on praying—knowing that I’m right with my Lord.  If tension still exists in the troubled area, at least I have done all I can.  As a tennis player would say, “The ball is in the other court”.  Meanwhile, I must continue to pray!

If a relationship has been damaged due to another person, I can graciously reduce the time spent with this person (providing the individual is not someone who lives under my roof).  Firmness may be needed in backing off, but with lots of prayer I can be gracious as well as firm.  Perhaps a face to face (gracious) explanation is warranted—or a letter.  Every human is unique, and every circumstance is different.  Only God’s Word and prayer can sort out the answers and solutions to the issues we face.

The proverbial “bottom line” is forgiveness.  We have been forgiven, and we must forgive!  If we have done wrong, we need to beg for forgiveness.  It’s that simple, and it’s that profound!  The basis of our Christian life is Forgiveness!

Margaret L. Been, ©2012 

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